Saturday 15 March 2014

Cheating the season on the Wye and Usk Wild Streams

Anyone who reads this probably thinks I have given up on the blog. Not really just a break and without a further excuse I will just jump straight back in and give an update on quick foray Red and myself made to the Garren a small tributary of the Wye. The two of us shared the £10 ticket price (which is allowable) after I'd booked it a day or so in advance. It was like cheating school as we headed off before the 1st April. We got there within 40 minutes and started to check out the water. There was heavy flow but it was fairly clear and mild in the early Spring sunshine. Unfortunately things didn't start well as a lady on the opposite bank accused us of trespassing seemingly ignorant of any fishing rights the Wye and Usk may have. Not wanting a prolonged debate we moved upstream onto to a nice little run below a weir pool. I connected with a nice wild brownie on the nymph. We then covered the weir pool to no avail - if their were fish hear they were staying low. We negotiated our way above the weir negotiating barred wire and fencing to gain access to the river - the landowners here clearly do not welcome fisherman. In many places it was just not wadeable so fishing was restricted to flicking the fly between the tree lined banks. Frustrated we returned to the short section below the weir but it yielded no sign of anymore fish. We returned to the West Country glad to have got out before the bell but somewhat disappointed. Not quite what I was hoping for on my first Wye and Usk stream.

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